• Job Hunt Tip: Appear upbeat. Even if you are having a bad day, do not let outside circumstances affect your demeanour in an interview.

  • Job Hunt Tip: If you know someone in a company at which you’d like to work, work that angle. It’s the greatest chance of getting your foot in the door.

  • Job Hunt Tip: Always give supporting examples in your interviews to add to your credibility.

  • Job Hunt Tip: Remember a cover letter’s goal is to get your CV read, and the goal of a CV is to get interviews.

  • Job Hunt Tip: In the interview, mention having other offers, if it’s true. You can use this to try get a better offer, but don’t come off as arrogant.

  • Job Hunt Tip: Respond to job ads with point-by-point cover letters, addressing exactly why you fit each need and criteria of the advert.

  • Job Hunt Tip: Follow up with leads immediately. If you find out about a position late in the day, apply right then. Don’t wait until the next day.

  • Job Hunt Tip: When on the job hunt, spend half your day looking and applying, and the other half improving your skills.

  • Job Hunt Tip: Dress for success with colours you look good in for interviews.

  • Job Hunt Tip: Choose references who have great things to say about you, and make sure they’re prepared to be contacted by possible employers.