Career Advice: Listen carefully to what the interviewer is asking you, and engage with the question. Don’t just rattle off prepared answers.
Career Advice: Think about your strengths and the types of work you like to do. The better you know yourself, the more likely you are to find a satisfying job.
Career Advice: Do your research. Gather as much information as you can about the company you interview at. It will help you to ask the right questions.
Career Advice: A cardinal rule for interviews is to offer warm greetings to everyone you meet” from the parking attendant to the receptionist & hiring manager.
Career Advice: You should apply for certain positions, even if you don’t meet all requirements. Many companies hire for culture fit and talent over experience.
Career Advice: No matter how bad your experiences have been never badmouth a previous employer. It’s extremely unprofessional, and won’t make a good impression.
Career Advice: If you’re filling in an application form by hand, write neatly, and follow all instructions. You won’t get hired if they can’t read it.
Career Advice: Google yourself, and see what comes up. Many employers will reject a job candidate based on information found about the potential hire online.
Career Advice: Know your worth. Know how much others in the same position as you are making so you’re not too far off-base when negotiating salary.
Career Advice: Most employers have specific time based positions to fill, so the greater your availability, the greater your chances of being hired.