Career Advice: Talk about the company in the cover letter, and tell them what impresses you about the company and why you want to work for them.
Career Advice: Prepare yourself to hear “no”. Don’t be discouraged by rejection. Nobody receives a job offer for every job application.
Career Advice: Talking about money can be awkward! Practice negotiating for your salary with family or friends before the real meeting.
Career Advice: When you receive a job offer, it’s important to make sure you understand the compensation and benefits packages that the employer is offering.
Career Advice: When going for an interview, wear an outfit that best fits the organization and its culture, striving for the most professional appearance.
Career Advice: Do not include all your experience in your CV. Only include what you believe the interviewer might consider valuable.
Career Advice: In your interview, explain soft skills as well as your experience, such as being able to get along with team members, and being a positive person
Career Advice: Create a professional email address that uses your name, & use this to apply for jobs. Don’t let a silly email address sway employers against you
Careeer Advice: When on the job hunt, spend half your day looking and applying, and the other half improving your skills.
Careeer Advice: Dress for success with colours you look good in for interviews.