Job Hunt Tip: Ask friends or former colleagues whether there are any openings where they work; if so, ask for a referral.
Job Hunt Tip: Make sure to tailor your CV to suit the culture, values and needs of the role and company you are applying for.
Job Hunt Tip: If you haven’t yet, sign up for your free month of LinkedIn Premium, and explore its various advantages.
Job Hunt Tip: Ask your friends who work in human resources to check your CV and to give you any tips they have.
Job Hunt Tip: More and more forums are opening up on social media to help people find jobs. Join as many as you can.
Job Hunt Tip: If you have been away from work for a long time, consider getting up-to-date training in your field before applying for vacant positions.
Job Hunt Tip: If you don’t have job experience, consider volunteering and internships.
Job Hunt Tip: The ‘Tell me about yourself’ interview question doesn’t mean give a life summary. They want to know only what’s relevant about you to the job.
Job Hunt Tip: A cover letter is not a summary of your CV, and should not be more than one page.
Job Hunt Tip: Never stop applying for jobs while you are waiting to hear back from a potential employer. Worst case, you will be juggling multiple job offers.